Quiz #95

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1.If a correctable error is not prevented or rectified a team is charged with a time out? T-F.

2. If a scoring mistake is not prevented or rectified a team is charged with a time out? T-F.

3. A coach who is out of the coaching box may be warned the 1st time this occurs? T-F

4. Team A leads by “3” points with four seconds remaining in the 4th quarter. Thrower-In A-1 is attempting a throw-in when B-3 holds A-3’s jersey as A-3 is cutting towards the ball. The center official rules an intentional personal foul? T-F.

5. Late in the 4th quarter, Team B is trailing by “2” points. The Head Coach of Team B “yells”, foul, foul, foul, B-1 hits A-1 on the arm. The trail official rules a common foul on B-1? T-F.


1. True-5-8-4.
2. True-5-8-4.
3. True- 4.48.
4. True- 4.19.3 Situation C -Case Book.
5. True-4.19. Situation D-Case Book.

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

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