1. A-1 attempts a lay-up and is fouled by B-1. The shot is unsuccessful. A-1 is injured on the play. A-1 cannot shoot the free throw. Who will shoot the free throw?
2. A-1 runs out of bounds on the end line in their front court for an unauthorized reason. Is this a violation as soon as A-1 runs out of bounds? Yes or No.
3. Who designates the shooter on a technical foul?
4. The score ends with the score Team A- 60- Team B- 60. After 30 seconds into the overtime period, the official scorer tells the referee that they forgot to add a point for Team A in regulation. The score is still 60-60. Handle the Situation?
5. A-1 the free thrower fakes a free throw and B-1 along the lane enters the lane. The center official rules a free throw violation on A-1. T-F
1. A-1’s substitute. 8-2.
2. Yes-9-3-3
3. The Head Coach or the Captain-8-3-3.
4. Add the point and continue the overtime. 5.7.4 Case Book
5. True-9-1-3-a
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