- A-1 is fouled and is injured on the play. A-1 cannot shoot their free throws. A-6 enters the game for A-1. Before A-6 is given the ball to start the free throw, A-7 goes to the table to substitute for A-6. Is this legal? Yes or No?
- A-1 is fouled and is injured on the play. A-1 cannot shoot their free throws. A-6 enters the game for A-1. As A-6 is coming into the game, he/she slips on sweat and sprains their ankle. A-7 reports in for A-6 and will shoot the free throws. Is this legal? Yes or No
- A-1 tries for goal and the ball lodges in the ring. The game will continue with the AP Arrow? T-F.
- A-1 is fouled in the act of shooting by B-1. A-1’s try is successful making the score Team A-62 and Team B-58. The game clock shows 00.00; but the game clock horn has not sounded? Will A-1 shoot their free throw? Yes or No
- When beckoning substitutes into the game, you should not use both hands to beckon them in? T-F
- No- A-6 is the substitute for A-1 and must shoot the free throws unless injured or disqualified. 8-2.
- Yes-8-2. A-6 is the designated shooter and now is injured.
- True- 6-4-3-d.
- Yes- A-1 will attempt the free throw with all lane spaces occupied. The 4th quarter time has not expired until the quarter ending signal. Case Book 5-6-Situation.
- True- NF Manual- Signal 10
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