1. A-1 has a designated spot throw-in, the ball slips out of A-1’s hands and A-1 leaves the designated spot and throws the ball in within “5” seconds. The trail official rules a throw-in violation? T-F.
2. A-1 is dribbling the ball in his/her front court while the ball momentarily gets away, A-1 pushes B-1, Team B is in the bonus. The trail official rules a team control foul and no free throws? T-F
3. Is it possible for the airborne shooter to commit a foul that would not be a player control foul? Yes or No.
4. What is the formula for the correctable error for the first four correctable errors?
5. During an interrupted dribble an out of bounds violation does not apply on the player involved in the interrupted dribble? T-F.
1. True- 9-2-1.
2. True- 4-19-7, 10-6-Penalty-1-b
3. Yes- They could commit a flagrant or an intentional foul.4.19.6 Situation B Case Book.
4. Error, Clock Starts, Dead Ball, The crew must correct. Page 19- Rule Book.
5. True-4-15-6-d.
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