1. Team A has a throw-in that is in the frontcourt. Thrower-In A1 throws the ball to airborne A2 who catches the pass after jumping from the frontcourt and throws the ball to A3 in the back court. This is a legal play. T-F
2. A1 is performing a throw-in that is in the frontcourt. A1 throws the ball to airborne A2 who has jumped from the frontcourt, A2 lands in the backcourt after catching the pass. The trail official rules a backcourt violation. T-F.
3. A1 is dribbling the ball in the frontcourt. B1 deflects the ball off of A1’s knee. The ball goes into the backcourt. A3 recovers the ball in the backcourt. The trail official “no calls” the play. T-F
4. To have a backcourt violation a team must be in team control. T-F
5. A backcourt violation will be taken out of bounds by the opposing team at the division line. T-F
1. False- CB-9.9.1 Situation-E.
2. False- 9-9-3.
3. False-9-9-1.
4. True-9-9-1.
5. False-9-9-Penalty unless the violation occurs from contacting just the division line
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