1. In two-person mechanics, on drives to the basket, the Lead Official has primary coverage on block/ charge plays in the lane area. T-F
2. A1 becomes confused and throws the ball at Team B’s basket. On the play A1 is fouled by B1. The ball goes into Team B’s basket. The Center Official counts the basket and penalizes the foul. T-F
3. The NFHS Basketball Rules Committee does not recognize protests. T-F
4. When the Trail Official signals a “3” point try in “2” person mechanics, the Lead Official is responsible for giving the successful “3” point try. T-F
5. The ball is live on a throw-in when the ball is placed at the disposal of the thrower-in. T-F
1. True- IAABO Manual-Page-7, Section d, Page-46- Diagram.
2. False-CB-4.41.2
3. True- 5-4-3.
4. False- IAABO Manual-Page-22, Section- 9a.
5. True-6-2-b.
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