1. A team member list shall not have both numbers 0 and 00. T-F
2. After a successful free throw, A1 enters the playing court before the throw-in. A1’s illegal entry is not detected until after the ball becomes live. A1 became a legal player when the ball became live. T-F
3. A player is trying for goal when the player has the ball and in the official’s judgment is throwing or attempting to throw for goal. T-F
4. A1 passes the ball to A2, who is running down the court, A2 touches and immediately fumbles the ball into the air. A2 takes several steps while fumbling the ball before finally securing the ball. The Lead Official rules a traveling violation. T-F
5. A try ends when a defender touches the ball. T-F
1. True-3-4-3d.
2. True-3-3-3.
3. True-4-41-2.
4. False-4-44, Case Book-4.44.Situation A
5. False-4-41-4
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