The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.
During the second quarter, A-2 is fouled with three seconds left. The foul is a common foul. The scorer fails to notify the officials that this is the fifth team foul of the quarter. Team A inbounds the ball and A-3 release a three-point attempt. The horn sounds will the try is in the air. The ball passes through the basket. While checking the table prior to going to the officials room for the half time break, the scorer notifies the officials about the fifth team foul.
Handle the situation.
The three-point goal is still counted. The time period to correct the error of failing to administer merited free throws has not yet expired since the half time break is the first dead ball since the error was made. To start the third quarter, A-2 will attempt two free throws with no players lined up along the lane. After this, the team who has the alternating possession arrow will have a designated spot throw-in at the division line opposite the table.
(References: Rules 2-10-1a, 2-10-2, 2-10-5, 2-10-6, NFHS Interpretation)
Have you seen an unusual play? Let all officials benefit from it by sending it to Play of the Day
Potential for 7 pt play & 1 irate coach. Thanks table.
Great, and tell Hambach(?) not to comment here anymore when only stating something unneeded as I am with this right now! lol P.s. work hard everybody!
Very Interesting Play. This information is very helpful in getting the Situation called correctly.