Quiz #377 (2023)

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1. Ideal Measurements for a basketball court should be 84 X 50. T-F

2. A1 is dribbling the ball in the frontcourt.  B3 deflects A1’s dribble off of A1’s knee and the ball goes in the backcourt where A3 recovers the ball. The trail official rules a backcourt violation. T-F

3. The sidelines and end lines shall be a minimum of 2 inches in width. T-F.

4. A1 is dribbling the ball near the side line in the front court and touches a chair on the side line. The trail official rules an out of bounds violation. T-F

5. The division line is in the backcourt. T-F

6-9.  Name the “4” parts of the basket.

10. A1 attempts a lay-up, the ball is in the cylinder when B3 touches the net. The Trail Official rules basket interference. T-F


1. True- 1-1.
2. True-9-9-1.
3. True-1-2.
4. True- 7-1-1.
5. True-4-13-2.
6-9.  Ring, Flange, Braces, Net.
10. False- 4-6-2.

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

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