1. The padding may be any single, solid color but shall be the same color on both back boards. T-F
2. A pass from A1, who is in team A’s backcourt, that has passed the division line in the air is still Team A’s backcourt. T-F
3. Wristbands may be worn on the upper arm. T-F
4. A1 and B1 foul each other in the post. The Lead Official rules a double foul. The ball will be put back into play at the spot of the foul. T-F
5. A1 holds the ball for “5” seconds in the backcourt. The trail official rules a “5” second closely guarded violation. T-F
1. True- Case Book-1.9.1
2. True- Basketball Rules Fundamentals(9).
3. False- 3-5-4c.
4. False- 4-36-1.
5. False-9-10-1.
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