Quiz #369 (2023)

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1. When one team is charged with a 30-second time out and the other team is charged with a 60-second time out, when opposing players are injured and are going to stay in the game, the duration of the time out will be 60 seconds. T-F

2. If the ball is dead and the game clock shows 0:00, the period has ended even though the horn may not have sounded. T-F

3. When the official is ready and until the ball is tossed, non-jumpers shall not move onto the center restraining circle. T-F

4. A1 attempts a try from the behind the “3” point line, the try is short and touches the floor and the ball goes in the basket. The try shall count as a successful “3” point shot. T-F

5. B1 fouls A1. This is the fourth Team B foul of the quarter. A1 is erroneously awarded free throws. A1 is successful on both free throws. After the successful last free throw, the game continues. B2 goes down the floor and scores. Before the ball is at the disposal of Team A on the end line, can the error be corrected. Yes-No.


1. True- 5-8-8.
2. False-5-6-2.
3. True- 6-3-2-a.
4. False- 5-2-1.
5. Yes-2-10-2.

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

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