Quiz #367 (2023)

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1. A substitute shall not enter the court without reporting to the official scorer. If he/she does enter without reporting, the team shall be charged with a technical foul. T-F

2. The punch signal has been eliminated for team control fouls. T-F

3. The game ends with the score Team A-68 and Team B-66. The officials have not left the confines of the court.  Team A’s Head Coach curses at the officiating crew and they penalize the Head Coach with a technical foul. If Team B makes two free throw attempts the game will continue into overtime. T-F

4. The ruling official has reported the foul and the Lead official is ready to administer a free throw. A1 is huddling with teammates by the team bench area. Team A should be charged with a delay of game warning. T-F

5. A free throw attempt must be made within 10 seconds. T-F


1. False- 10-3-1, (charged to substitute).
2. True- Manual- Mechanic Change.
3. True-5-6-Exception-4.
4. False- 10.2.1 -Situation B-Case Book.
5. True- 9-1-3-a.

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

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