Quiz #346 (2023)

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1. A3 is shooting the final free throw. A4 who is on the lane, leaves before A3 releases the ball and moves behind into B4’s space. The Lead official rules a free throw violation on A4. T-F

2. A1 is shooting the final free throw. B3 along the lane violates, followed by A3 along the lane violating. The center official rules a double violation. T-F

3. A1’s “3” point shot is deflected by B1 who is in the “2” point area and the ball goes in the basket. Two points should be credited to Team A. T-F

4. A1 is holding the ball, A1 starts a dribble, A1 ends the dribble  and is holding the ball. A1 is in:

A. Player Control
B. Team Control
C. All of the Above.

5. On the opening toss, A1 and B1 jump and both miss the ball. The ball was never legally touched. A6 reports to the scoring table. Can A6 enter the game. Yes-No.


1. True-9-1-3-d.
2. False- 9-1-Penalty-(4).
3. False-5-2-1.
4. C- 4-12-1 and 2.
5. Yes- 3-3-1-d.

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

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