The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.
Both teams are in the bonus. During play in the frontcourt, A-1 tries to pass the ball to A-2. The ball becomes loose and is pursued by A-2 and B-2. A-2 commits a common foul against B-2 while the ball is loose.
Handle the situation.
Although the ball is loose, team control by Team A has not ended. Therefore, the foul committed by A-2 is a team control foul. No free throws will be attempted. The ball will be awarded to Team B at the spot out of bounds closest to the foul.
Team control only ends when a try is released, the other team gains possession of the ball or the ball becomes dead.
(References: Rule 4-19-7, 4-12-3, 10-7 Penalties 1b)
Have you seen an unusual play? Let all officials benefit from it by sending it to Play of the Day
This an Awesome play! This is especially important to have memorized in ones brain for the not so common A1 momentum turning into a “crash and burn” after A1 passes to a shooter who directly puts up a try. Question: did the contact “crash and burn” occur before or after the release of the ball on the try?
If try is released before contact then try counts if made and B1 will shoot 1 and 1 at the other end of the floor, otherwise it is a spot.
If try has NOT been released before the contact crash and burn”) then no try is possible. If definite knowledge then WIPE TRY OUT twice w/”incomplete pass mechanic in football lol, TMI- and slide fist down behind your head for a “team control” while pointing with your other hand toward other end of court.
This occurred yesterday on the second day of the first round of the men’s NCAA and was…… “no called” w/contact before the try was released, hmm. ! Doug B in OH 33 yrs prep Note: (I travelled caddying on golf tour for years and did not pursue college often enough lol)