Play of the Day #303 (2022-23)

      3 Comments on Play of the Day #303 (2022-23)

The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.

With time running out, Team A is down by three points. After a timeout, A-1 pops out behind a screen and launches what he thinks is a three point try. The horn sounds and the ball passes through the goal. It turns out that A-1’s foot was on the three point line and a two point goal is ruled.  After this, the coach of Team B, who had not been happy with the officiating all night, decides to scream at the officials before they leave the court. The officials rule a technical foul on the coach.

Handle the situation.

The officials’ jurisdiction does not end until all officials leave the visual confines of the playing area.  Since Team B is leading by one point and the free throws for the technical will determine the outcome of the game, the free throws are attempted immediately as part of the fourth quarter.  Two successful free throws will result in a win for Team A.  If no free throws are successful, Team B will be the winner.  

If one free throw is successful, an overtime period will be played.  The overtime will start with a jump ball since technical foul penalties do not carry over from one period to the next.

(References: Rule 2-2-4, 5-6 Exception 4, 5-6 Exception 3)

Have you seen an unusual play? Let all officials benefit from it by sending it to Play of the Day

About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

3 thoughts on “Play of the Day #303 (2022-23)

  1. DOUG Baker

    Ladies and gentleman, Thursday January 26, 2023

    I am a prep official OH, NV, TX, FL, SC, and NC with college camps in my bag.
    This game ending play is Absolutelly fathomable and correct! This is POSSIBLY
    prevented by ALL OFFICIALS leaving the court and moving out into a hallway
    immediately upon the final horn unless the official scorer is flailing their arms
    or throwing a rolled up towel at us the crew.
    I tell all my partners at all levels to leave court immediately after game. Some
    insist on going to the table to thank the table AFTER the game- ARGH!!!! lol
    NC shedules DH girls v/then boys v or vice versa. Nearly every game night at least one
    of my crew members declined leaving the court even for a perfunctory five seconds
    to officially end first game. They would say … it doesn’t matter… or nothing
    is going to happen… or we need to stay out here, the clock is running before the next game.
    A rarity example is a close game ending and instead of properly running/walking briskly
    to reach exiting corner by all officials quickly enabling the whole crew to exit within
    a handful of seconds. Here is the rarity. The crew does not immediately leave the
    visual confines of the playing court and a player or coach or multiple of same swing
    a fist(s) !! Now “we have some ‘splainin” to do. What in the hexx were you doing there
    to see it?! You should have been off the floor! Candy is not handed out at the table people!
    Always leave immediately and if you have the ball or it is withing one step take hold of it
    and hand off to administrator or take it back to officials’ locker room so that it does not disappear!
    This takes zero time! This scenario would create the ultimate “game interrupter!” lol Staff, feel free to edit accordingly- lol DB


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