The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.
B-1 commits a blocking foul against dribbler A-1. It is Team B’s 7th team foul of the half. However, Team A is awarded a throw-in. B-5 rebounds a missed try by A-5 and passes the ball ahead to B-1 who scores. Before the ensuing throw-in begins, the horn sounds and play is stopped. The scorer notifies the officials of the missed bonus free throw opportunity.
Handle the situation.
This is a failure-to-award free throw situation and, as such, is a potential correctable error situation. Since the error was discovered during the first dead ball (the score by B-1) after the error occurred, the error is correctable. The goal by B-1 counts.
Since there has been a change of possession since the error occurred (B-5 gaining control of the ball during the rebound of the missed try by A-5), this is a Point-of-Interruption play. A-1 will be awarded a bonus free throw situation with no players lined up along the lane. Play will be resumed with a throw-in on the end line for Team A. Team A will have the right to move along the end line.
(References: Rule 2-10-1a, 2-10-2, 2-10-5, 2-10-6)
Have you seen an unusual play? Let all officials benefit from it by sending it to Play of the Day
Paul, I agree with the out come of play #280. However, according to case play 2.10.1-A the change of team possession didn’t take place when B rebounded the miss:
“Team B securing the rebound and passing to a teammate constitutes no change in team possession.”
— 2014-15 NFHS Basketball Case Book by NFHS
Would the change of team possession be when A possessed the ball after the team B goal?
Thanks, Norman Hall
The case pay is a similar play, but has different aspects to it which makes the ruling different. The case play (2.10.1-A) you speak of, which was very similar to a test question on the SCHSL exam this year, both have a free throw being attempted, since Team B rebounded the ball and the clock started, the is the first possession. In the play above, there were no free throws shot. Once Team A put the ball in the play and the clock started, possession occurred, therefore the rebound on the missed attempt constitutes a change of possession.
Hope this helps.
Yes, Team A is entitled to the ball since Team B has scored. This constitutes a change of possession.
Very Interesting Play. We, as Officials, need to know the Correctable Error Rule- 2/10 and
administer the Play correctly. Thanks!