Quiz #327 (2022)

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1.Team A is in bonus. A1 has the ball for a throw-in. A1 moves the ball and his/her arms over the plane to where both the ball and arms are over the inbounds area. B1 contacts A1’s arms.

a. The official warns B1 and gives team A the ball for another throw-in.
b. The official calls an Intentional foul and awards 2 free-throws to A1 followed by a team A throw-in from the spot nearest the foul.
c. The official calls a common foul and awards A1 bonus free-throws.
d. The official calls a Technical foul and awards 2 free-throws to team A. Team A is then awarded a throw-in from the division line.

2. Neither team has a time out remaining at the end of regulation, but each will receive an additional time out for the extra period. When is the soonest that either team may be granted a time out for the overtime period?

a. Any time during the intermission prior to the beginning of the extra period.
b. After the ball has become live to start the extra period.
c. At the conclusion of regulation but prior to the 20 second warning horn.
d. After the clock has been properly started to begin the extra period.

3. Just prior to the administration of a Team A throw-in, A2, A3, A4, and A5 take positions so close to each other that no defenders are able to fit between any of them without illegally displacing one or the other of the Team A players. In which situation only should an official allow Team B players to “squeeze in” between the Team A players?

a. If the Team A players are stacked one-behind-the-other, in a line perpendicular to the boundary line.
b. If the Team A players are within 3 feet of the throw-in boundary line and parallel to it.
c. If this occurs on a throw-in anywhere on the court, regardless of the number of offensive players involved.
d. Since every player is entitled to a spot on the playing court provided the player gets there first, an official should never allow the request by opponents to squeeze in between them.

4. Showing multiple manufacturer’s logos on the waist band of the pants/skirts makes an item illegal. T-F

5. A team’s own basket is the one into which players try to throw the ball. T-F


1. b- 4-19-3e.
2. b- 5-11-5.
3. b- Case Book-7.6.5
4. True- 3-4-5.
5. True- 4-5-1.

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

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