Quiz #303 (2022)

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1. Team A ends the 1st half with players A1,A2,A3, A4 and A6 on the court. When the officials return to the floor with 3 minutes in the halftime intermission, the official scorer notifies the referee that A6 , who is wearing #23, is not in the scorebook, but the scorer failed to realize this fact until the halftime intermission began. Which of the following statements are True:

a. If #23 is added to the book, an administrative technical foul shall be assessed.
b. If #23 is not added to the book, there is no penalty.
c. If #23 enters later in the 2nd half, his/her name is added to the scorebook and a technical foul is charged to Team A.
d. All of the Above.

2. The official scorer mistakenly credits a field goal by A1 to B1 and team B in the 2nd quarter. The regulation game ends with the score tied. During a timeout in overtime, the scorer detects the mistake and advises the referee. The following are True statements.

a. The mistake is rectified and Team A is declared the winner.
b. The mistake is rectified and the Overtime continues.

3. A bookkeeping mistake can be corrected at any time until the score is approved. T-F

4. The following are correctable errors:

a. Failure to award a merited free throw.
b. During a jump ball, lining up incorrectly.
c. Giving a throw-in to a team that was not entitled.
d. Error in Record Keeping.

5. A player who has been replaced may not re-enter until the next dead ball after the game  clock has properly started. T-F


1. d- 3-2-2b, 10-1-2b, Case Book- 3-2-2c.
2. b- 2-11-11, Case Book-2-11-10c.
3. True- 2-11-11.
4. a- 2-10-1a.
5. True- 3-3-4.

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

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