1. The calling official in 3 person has the option of going opposite the table to avoid a confrontational situation with the head coach after a technical foul? T-F.
2. In 2 person mechanics on a time out, the official granting the time out shall communicate the information to the table? T-F.
3. B-1 makes contact with thrower-in A-1 after A-1 breaks the plane with the ball. B-1 should be charged with an intentional personal foul? T-F.
4. When a player is disqualified, neither team may be granted a time out? T-F.
5. When a player leaves the court for an unauthorized reason it’s a technical foul on the player? T-F.
1. True-3.4.E.7-Manual.
2. True-2.4.B Manual.
3. True-4.19.3 E.
4. True-5.8.3 B.
5. False-9.3.3.