Quiz #292 (2022)

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1. A-1 attempts a try that hits the ring. A-5 deflects the ball into the backcourt where A-4 recovers the ball. The trail official rules a backcourt violation? T-F.

2. To have a “3” second violation, a team must have team control in their front court? T-F.

3. A-1 has committed his “5th” Foul. Team A’s Head Coach requests a time out. Should the time out be granted? Yes-No.

4. A-1 is dribbling on the perimeter in the frontcourt. A-3 who is in the lane steps out of bounds on the end line to prevent a “3” second violation. The Lead official rules a violation for leaving the court for an unauthorized reason? T-F.

5. A-1 is attempting a dunk, the net flips the ball out of the basket while the ball is completely below the ring but the ball did not pass through the net. Is this a successful basket? Yes-No.


1. False- 9-9-1, 4-12-3.
2. True- 9-7-1.
3. No- not until A-1 is replaced – 5-8-3b
4. True-9-3-3.
5. No- 5-1-1.

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

2 thoughts on “Quiz #292 (2022)

    1. Paul Behr Post author

      The basket consists of the ring, brackets, flanges and the net. (1-10-1). The ball did not pass through the basket because it did not pass through the net.


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