The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.
Team B is charged with a technical foul for unsporting conduct. Inadvertently the officials go to the wrong basket to attempt the free throws. After the first free throw is successful, the error is discovered.
Handle the situation.
This error is correctable. The successful free throw will be cancelled. The two free throws will be attempted at the correct basket. After the free throws are completed, Team A will be awarded the ball for a designated spot throw-in at the division line opposite the table.
This play illustrates the importance of conferring with your partner before attempting technical foul free throws. During this conference one should confirm which basket the free throws will be attempted at. With all the players congregating near the division line, one can easily make the mistake above.
(References: Rule 2-10-1a, 2-10-2, 2-10-6, 4-36-2a)
Have you seen an unusual play? Let all officials benefit from it by sending it to Play of the Day
Very Good Play. Yes, as Officials, we need to get together to make sure this does not happen.