The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.
Team B has committed six team fouls. B2 reaches in and commits a common foul against dribbler A1. The scorer fails to notify the officials that this is the seventh team foul. Team A is awarded a designated spot throw-in and A1 passes the ball to A2. At this point it is discovered that Team B has committed seven team fouls for the half.
Handle the situation.
A1 will be awarded a bonus free throw situation. The error has been discovered before the end of the first dead ball period after the clock has properly started. Since there has been no change of team possession since the foul occurred, players will line up along the lane and play will continue normally as after any free throw attempts.
(References: Rule 2-10-1a, 2-10-2, 2-10-6)
Have you seen an unusual play? Let all officials benefit from it by sending it to Play of the Day
Very Good Play. We, as Officials, need to know the Correctable Error Rule and rule on this
Play correctly. Thanks.