Play of the Day #228 (2021-22)

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The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.

Team A is trailing by one point with just seconds remaining in the game.  A1 brings the ball into frontcourt and passes to A2 for a last second attempt.  The crowd noise is high and the covering official is unable to  hear the horn sounding the end of the game.  The ball passes through the basket.  The official thinks that the try was released before the horn sounded and rules the goal to be good.

The three officials get together before they leave the court and the referee, who was the lead official, says that he thinks that the horn sounded before the try was released.  The trail official has no opinion since he could not hear the horn nor see the clock.

Handle the situation.

By rule, the referee may consult with the table officials to help determine whether the try was released in time.  Of course, the referee must keep in mind that, in most cases, the table officials are hired by the home team.  This should be a factor used in making any decision to change a decision made by the on-court official.

If input from the table officials is inconclusive, absent any other conclusive information that the referee may have, the decision by the covering official should stand.  This decision is his to make under the responsibilities of the officials governing the last second attempt.  If he is not sure, he may consult with his partners before rendering such a decision.  Once the decision is made, the decision should not be reversed unless information is received that shows that the decision was not correct.  Of course, once the officials leave the visual confines of the gym, that decision is final.

In this case, since none of the officials were sure about whether the try was released in time, the goal should count.

In any event once a final decision is made, this should be communicated to both teams even if they have left the visual confines of the gym.

(References: Rule 2-13, 2-11-11, 2-5-5)

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

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