Play of the Day #229 (2021-22)

      1 Comment on Play of the Day #229 (2021-22)

The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.

Two minutes into the game a foul is ruled against B1, a member of the visiting team.  The official scorer notifies the official that B1’s number is not in the book.

Handle the situation.

By rule, to change B1’s number to conform to the number he is wearing, a technical foul is charged.  That would result in two free throws by Team A and a throw-in from the division line opposite the table.  However, before doing this, it is always a good idea to check the line-up that was presented by the visiting team.  In most cases this would be the line-up in their scorebook.

If B1’s correct number is present in the visiting scorebook, then the official should determine why there is a difference.  If a transcription error has occurred, the number should be changed without penalty since this would be considered a bookkeeping mistake.

(References: Rule 10-1-2c, 2-11-11, 2-5-5)

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

1 thought on “Play of the Day #229 (2021-22)


    Very Good Play. We have to be aware as to not let this happen, pregame check of the book
    to make sure correct numbers and numbers of Players are listed. Thanks.


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