Common Sense

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Do officials matter in the South Carolina High School League?  There are many reasons for the shortage of quality high school sports officials across the country.  For basketball in South Carolina one of the major issues is low pay for basketball officials.  What is being done to address this by the SCHSL and the SCBOA?

The current officials’ pay in South Carolina is as follows for basketball, football, lacrosse, and volleyball:

The COVID experience last season exposed an issue that is incomprehensible. The second game fee for basketball is substantially lower at all levels.  $14 for the second game of an MS doubleheader?  That is ludicrous!  $26 for the second game of a varsity double header?  Are you kidding me?

A reduction in the second game fee is not done in other sports.  Why is it done in basketball?  Why are basketball officials treated as second class in South Carolina?  Is there a Title IX issue here?

The difference between football and basketball stands out.  A varsity football game is 48 minutes long.  Two varsity basketball games are 64 minutes long.  One can debate the relative skill levels needed (rules knowledge, physical conditioning, etc.) to officiate these sports.  However, more physical activity is needed in basketball and the rules knowledge needed is at least equivalent.  In addition, while it might be possible to hide a first-year football official on a varsity football game, the same is not true in basketball.

Why is football paid $106 for 48 minutes while basketball only gets $89 for 64 minutes.  Based on an equivalence in the skills needed, basketball officials should receive at least $142 for a double header.  Why is there such an inequity in compensation?  Is there a Title IX consideration here?

Inflation is raging and everyone knows it.  August 2020 to August 2021 gasoline is up 42.1%.  And there has been a significant uptick since August.  Fuel oil is up 42.6%.  Natural gas is up 20.6%.  (Source…US Govt BLS)

The overall rate of inflation from August 2020 to August 2021 is 8.5%.  That’s for ONE year.  Inflation for the last three years is approximately 12.5%.

This season we have received a 7.5% increase in our game fee.  This covers three years.  Because of inflation caused by the current administration in Washington, the fees we will receive this season will buy LESS than the fees we received last season.

Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, has stated that the current level of inflation will not begin to diminish until the end of 2022 at the earliest.

It is just common sense that we are not being compensated fairly in basketball.  It is time for a major overhaul of basketball game fees in South Carolina.

How do South Carolina fees compare with other states in the Southeast?  The varsity fees are low.  Sub-varsity basketball fees are the lowest across the Southeast.

A white paper was presented to your district director in July on this subject.  Contact him for additional information.

About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

10 thoughts on “Common Sense

  1. Steve Dadosky

    If we want to keep current officials and recruit new officials, we need to adjust the pay scale. The amount of abuse we take from coaches and fans continues to be unacceptable. Young officials work for a season and quit because of this. I now prefer working girls lacrosse. The pay is better and the coaches/parents are better. We had better do something now or there won’t be officials to worK in the near future.

  2. David

    How did this get this way in the first place? Can I have the contact info for the person I need to express my displeasure with?

  3. Kyle Davis

    I agree with you. This is the first state that I have ever worked when you were paid a LOWER fee for the second game of a double header. They need us to officiate their games. We should be paid the same for each game that we work. We should contact the Commissioner and ask him to contact the schools telling them that we expect fair compensation for the second game. If not I would recommend that we ONLY work one game per site.

  4. Andy Cox

    I have been part of a few different state organizations and on one state we only worked the boys game or the girls game. If we did a double header both games were full fame fees.

  5. Andy Cox

    We have some very talented officials in the state that drive across state lines to call games in North Carolina and Georgia, for this exact reason.

  6. Tim Seller

    I’ve concentrated on sun variety and middle school games starting in Syracuse NY, Colorado Springs & Pueblo CO and currently Charleston SC area. Pay has constantly decreased in each state. South Carolina is deplorable. My certified years totals over 10 and I’m asking myself do I want to continue ?? I enjoy kids and teaching since 1969 but give us what we are worth . PLEASE

  7. Drew Wilson

    I, as well as most other officials, officiate these games for the love and enjoyment of the sport, but fair is fair. This information clearly displays that South Carolina basketball officials are not being paid fairly.

    Thanks for bringing this to the attention of those that have the ability to make necessary changes.


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