1. Team A has a frontcourt throw-in on the end line. Thrower-in A-1 throws the ball to A-2 who muffs the ball into the backcourt. A-2 recovers the ball in the back court. The trail official rules a backcourt violation? T-F.
2. A-1, while dribbling the ball, touches the scorer’s table while inbounds. A-1 is out of bounds? T-F.
3. A-1 pushes B-1 on a rebound. This should be adjudicated as a team control foul? T-F
4. In overtime each team is only allowed “2” time outs? T-F.
5. An official’s closely guarded count may be used to correct a game clock malfunction? T-F.
1. False- Case Book- 4.12.2 Situation B.
2. True- Case Book- 7.1.1. Situation A.
3. False-4-37-1.
4. False- 5-11-1.
5. True-5-10.
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