Quiz #270 (2021)

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1. What is the procedure when a player is disqualified?

2. A-1 is about to shoot a single bonus. The lead official informs the teams that its “2” shots. The free throw is missed and rebounded in the lane with some players remaining motionless. Handle the Situation ?

3. A-1 is dribbling the ball in the front court. The dribble strikes the division line and A-1 continues to dribble. The trail official rules a back court violation? T-F.

4. Airborne shooter A-2 is fouled by B-4. Prior to returning to the floor A-2 illegally contacts B-2. The ball enters the basket. Handle the Situation?

5. A-1 is tapping the ball and is fouled by B-1. As soon as A-1 touches the ball and is fouled, the ball becomes dead immediately? T-F


1. Notify the Head Coach, request the timer to start the 15 second replacement interval, notify the player. NF Manual-Page 53 (H).
2. Go to the AP Arrow due to the misinformation by the lead official and the reaction by the players. Case Book- 8.6.1.
3. True-9-9-1.
4. No goal. A-2 will receive “2” free throws with no players lined up. If the last free throws is successful, Team B is entitled to run the end line, if the last free throw is unsuccessful, Team B has a designated spot throw-in. This is a false double foul. Case Book-6.7.4.
5. False- 4-41-1, 4-41-5, 6-7-7- Exception-a, 6-7-7.

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

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