1. A-5 is shooting “2” free throws. On the second free throw, the ball lodges in the ring. Handle the Situation?
2. A-1 is fouled by B-5 on a lay-up, the ball is in the cylinder and A-3 touches the ball. The center official rules offensive basket- interference and awards A-1 “2” shots? T-F.
3. A-1 is dribbling the ball in their back court. The ball is intentionally kicked by B-1. Team A will receive a new “10” second count? Yes or No.
4. There are no successive time outs at the end of regulation play or at the expiration of any overtime period? T-F.
1. The game will continue with the A.P. Arrow. 6-4-3d.
2. True- Case Book- 9.11.2 Situation E.
3. Yes- 9-8.
4. True- 5-11-7.
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