1. A-3 attempts a three point goal. While the try is in flight, A-5 and B-5 committ a double foul. The try is unsuccessful. Handle the Situation?
2. Same scenario in question 21; but the try is successful. Handle the Situation?
3. Same scenario in question 21, but after the double foul there is offensive basket interference by A-4. Handle the Situation?
4. Holding is illegal personal contact with an opponent that interferes with the opponent’s freedom of movement? T-F.
5. Offensive basket-interference is a basket violation? T-F
21. Use A.P. Arrow- 4-36-2c.
22. Team B may run the end line. 4-36-2a; 7-5-7.
23. Team B’s ball at the spot of the violation. 4-36-2a.
24. True-4-26.