1. When does a dribble start?
2. If the pivot foot is lifted, you cannot start a dribble? T-F.
3. During an interrupted dribble there is no player control? T-F.
4. A-1 is dribbling the ball and A-1’s dribble is interrupted. The trail official has an inadvertent whistle. The game will continue with the AP Arrow? T-F.
5. When does team control end?
1. The dribble begins by pushing , throwing or batting to the floor before the pivot foot is lifted. Rule-4-Section-15-3.
2. True- 4-44-3.
3. True- 4-15-5.
4. False- 4-36-1 and 2.
5. Team Control ends when a try for goal is in flight, an opponent secures control, or the ball becomes dead. 4-12-3-a-c.
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