Play of the Day #172 (2020-21)

      1 Comment on Play of the Day #172 (2020-21)

The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.

Dribbler A-1 has both feet in frontcourt while he continues to dribble the ball in backcourt.  A-1 backs up so that his feet are now in backcourt while he continues his dribble.  The coach claims this is a backcourt violation.

Is the coach correct?

The coach is NOT correct.  When a player is dribbling the ball, the ball does not get frontcourt status until the ball and both feet touch entirely in frontcourt.  Since the ball never had frontcourt status, A-1 can go anywhere in backcourt.  Of course, the ten-second count continues until the ball gets frontcourt status.

(References: Rule 4-4-6, 9-8)

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

1 thought on “Play of the Day #172 (2020-21)


    Very Good Play. Yes, both feet and the ball need to gain Front-court Status. This Play will
    happen and you will hear from the Coaches and Spectators. We, as Officials, need to be
    aware and administer correctly. Thanks.


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