Quiz # 22

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1. With 45 seconds left in the game. A-1 scores on a lay-up.  The ball is lying in the lane about 8 feet from the basket. As B-1 goes to pick up the ball, A-1 intentionally gets in B-1’s way and continues the shield the ball from B-1. The official rules a technical foul on A-1 for delay of game? T-F.

2. Thrower-In B-5 hands the ball to B-1 who is in bounds. This is a throw-in violation? Yes or No.

3. The home team has dark jersey’s to start the game. The referee rules a direct technical foul to the Head Coach of the home team. The head Coach loses his right to the Coaching box. T-F

4. A-1 attempts a try and B-1 blocks the try by punching the ball with a fist. The trail official rules a violation on B-1? T-F.

5. A-1 is driving to the basket and there is a collision with B-1. The lead official rules a player control foul and the center official rules a blocking” foul. By rule this is a double personal foul. T-F.


1. True- 10.3.5a; 10.1.5a.
2. Yes- 7.6.2, 9.2.2.
3.True- 3.4.1 Case Book
4.True- 9-4
5. True- 4.19.8; 4.36.2a












About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

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