1. A-1 is driving for a lay-up. B-1 flagrantly fouls A-1. The try is unsuccessful. After the play. A-1 punches B-1. Handle the Situation ?
2. A-1 ‘s hair touches the end line. Is A-1 out of bounds? Yes or No.
3. A-1 is shooting their 2nd free throw. B-1 touches the ball on its upward flight. Handle the Situation?
4. A -1 commits an offensive basket-interference. Team B will receive the ball at the free throw line extended? T-F.
5. A-1 and B-1 both commit basket- interference at the same time. Handle the Situation?
1. This is a false double foul. B-1 is disqualified for the flagrant foul. A-1 is disqualified for fighting. A-1’s substitute will shoot “2 free throws. Team B will receive”2” free throws and the ball at the division line away from the table. 8-6-2.
2. Yes- 7-1-1.
3. The free throw counts. Goal-Tending by B-1. Charge B-1 with a player technical foul. Team A will receive “2” free throws and the ball at the division line away from the table. 9-12-Penalty, 10-4-9.
4. False- 7-5-2-b.
5. Resume play with the AP Arrow. 9-12- Penalty-4
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