The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.
B-5 is fouled by A-5 while attempting to rebound a missed try at Team A’s basket. The scoreboard indicates that it is Team A’s 7th team foul of the half. B-5 makes the 1st free throw of the bonus free throw situation. At this point the scorer notifies the officials that the foul was not the 7th team foul of the half. It was only the fourth.
Handle the situation.
This is a correctable error. The point for the successful free throw is removed. Play will continue from the point of interruption. Because the free throw was unmerited and the point has been removed, the point of interruption is after the foul by A-5. Play should resume with a throw-in by Team B from the spot nearest the foul which will be on the end line at the opposite end of the court.
(References: Rule 2-10-1b, 2-10-2, 2-10-4, 2-10-6)
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