This is the final quiz for this fall. Good luck on your upcoming exams and may you have a great season.
1. It is recommended that the official scorer and timer be seated next to each other? T-F
2. The officiating crew shall arrive on the floor at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of the game? T-F.
3. When all officials leave the visual confines of the playing area at the end of the game, jurisdiction has ended and the score has been approved? T-F.
4. The referee has no authority to move the location of either bench, unless it involves player safety? T-F.
5. Tinted glass backboards are prohibited? T-F.
1. True- 2-1-3.
2. True- 2-2-2.
3. True- 2-2-4.
4. True-Case Book-1-13-1.
5. True-1-7-2
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