1. The length of each extra period is “5” minutes? T-F.
2. Fighting can occur when the ball is dead or alive? T-F.
3. The ball becomes dead on a player control foul? T-F.
4. The ball becomes dead immediately on a free throw violation by the free throwing team? T-F.
5. The ball becomes delayed dead on a free throw violation by the opponent[s] of the free throwing team ? T-F.
1. False- 4-17.
2. True-4-18.
3. True-6-7-4.
4. True-6-7-8.
5. True- 6-7-9 Exception d.
2. True-4-18.
3. True-6-7-4.
4. True-6-7-8.
5. True- 6-7-9 Exception d.
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