1. A-1 had previously received a technical foul for making contact with the ball while it was in the hands of the thrower-in. Team B has the ball for a throw-in when A-1 reaches through the boundary again, but does not make contact with the thrower-in or the ball. Handle the Situation?
2. A-1 attempts a try at Team A’s basket and the try misses the whole ring. A-1 catches the try before the ball touches the floor. Is this legal? Yes-No.
3. A-1 is dribbling the ball and throws a pass to A-2 who is near the side line. B-3 steps out of bounds to avoid a screen by A-3. B-3 then comes back inbounds and intercepts a pass. The trail official rules a violation on B-3 for leaving the floor for an unauthorized reason? T-F.
4. If a player receives “2” intentional personal fouls they are disqualified? T-F.
5. If a player receives “2” intentional technical fouls they are disqualified? T-F.
1. Team technical foul. 4-47-1, 9-2-10, 10-2-1c, 10-4-10.
2. Yes- 4-12-3a, 4-41-2, 4-41-4, 4.44.b
3. True-9-3-3.
4. False-4-14-1.
5. True-4-14-1.
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