1. When the Lead official in a crew of two goes ball side, they are responsible for their original side line? T-F.
2. After B-1 has obtained a legal guarding position, B-1 cannot have either foot out of bounds? T-F.
3. B-1 scores on a lay-up. A-1 the thrower-in throws the ball in and the ball is “kicked” by B-2 near the end line. Does Team A still have the privilege to run the end line? Yes or No.
4. Same scenario in question 8; but B-3 fouls A-3 near the end line before the throw-in has ended and Team A is not in the bonus. Does Team A still have the privilege to run the end line? Yes or No.
5. The Head Coach shall replace a disqualified player in ________ seconds when a substitute is available.
1. True- Manual- 4.3.2- A- PCA- General Provisions.
2. True- 4-23-2a.
3. Yes- 7-5-7b.
4. Yes-7-5-7b.
5. “15”- 10-6-2.
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