1. Where is the ball put into play after offensive basket interference?
2. In a “2” person game, the lead official must be prepared to rule on a quick “3” point try? T-F.
3. A-1 completes his/her dribble and passes the ball to A-2. A-2 taps the ball back to A-1 who catches the ball with both hands and then starts to dribble. Is this legal? Yes or No.
4. B-1 is guarding A-1 and has “2” hands on A-1. The trail official rules a handchecking foul? T-F.
5. B-1 scores on a “10” foot jump shot. Team A is entitled to run the end line. A-1 the thrower- in is attempting to throw the ball in and B-3 holds A-3 near the end line. Team A is not in the bonus. Team A loses their right to run the end line? T-F
1. At the spot of the violation. 9-12- Penalty-2.
2. True- Manual- 4.2.D.3.
3. Yes- 9-5-3.
4. True- 10-7-12a.
5. False- 7-5-7b.
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