Quiz #163

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1. A-1 the thrower-in throws the ball directly onto the floor. A-1 is the first to touch the ball. What type of violation occurred ?

2. A-1 the thrower-in throws the ball through Team A’s basket. The trail official rules a throw-in violation. Where does Team B inbound the ball?

3. A-1 the thrower-in reaches across the plane with the ball and B-1 slaps the ball out of A-1’s hand(s). The trail official rules a technical foul on B-1? T-F

4. Officials should report to the proper athletic administrator at least one hour and 30 minutes before the game? T-F.

5. A-1 is shooting a free throw. Team A is in the single bonus. A-4 and A-5 are positioned in the first two marked lane spaces. B-4 and B-5 are in the second marked lane spaces. The officiating crew becomes aware of the illegal alignment while the free throw is in flight. It’s too late to penalize the double free throw violation? T-F


1. It’s a floor violation (also a throw-in violation). 4-46-1.
2. At the original throw-in spot. 9-2 – Penalty.
3. False-9-2-10-Note.
4. False- Manual- 4.1.
5. False-Case Book- 9.1.2 Situation B.

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

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