Quiz #155

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  1. A-1 scores on a lay-up in the 1st Half, A-3 slaps the ball away from Team B. The trail official officially warns Team A. In the 2nd Half, A-1 scores on a “10” foot jump shot. A-3 again slaps the ball away from Team B. The trail official rules a team technical foul on Team A? T-F.
  2. What is the penalty in question 1?
  3. Team A is in their huddle before the 2nd Half begins. Team A is not ready to take the playing court after the second signal sounds indicating the end of half time intermission. When Team A is not ready to play at the expiration of one minute, Team A shall be assessed an team technical foul for delay of game? T-F.
  4. B-1 breaks the plane on Team A’s throw in the 1st Half. B-3 then interferes with ball after a made field goal by A-4. Team B shall be assessed with a team technical foul? T-F.
  5. While attempting a throw-in, A-1 holds the ball through the plane of the end line. B-1 slaps the ball away from A-1’s hands. This is a legal play? T-F.


  1. True- 10-2-1-e.
  2. Two free throws and the ball at the division line opposite the table. 10-2- Penalty.
  3. False- 7-5-1.
  4. True-10-2-1-e.
  5. True- Case Book- 7.6.4 Situation A.

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

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