1. When a player is disqualified, neither team may be granted a time out? T-F.
2. When the ball is at the disposal of Team A for a throw-in, only Team A may be granted a time out? T-F.
3. A-1 is shooting two free throws. On the 1st free throw before A-1 releases the ball, A-2 pushes B-2. Team B is in the bonus. Handle the Situation ?
4. When does the act of shooting end?
5. When does a tap end?
1. True- 5-8-3 Situation A Case Book.
2. True- 5-8-3 Situation B Case Book.
3. A-1 will shoot their “2” free throws with no players lined up on the free throw line. After the last free throw. Team B will retain the ball on the end line. If the last free throw is successful, Team B can run the end line. If the last free throw is unsuccessful, Team B has a designated spot throw-in. Team B will not shoot free throws because A-2 ‘s foul is a team control foul. 7-5-4, 7-5-7, 8-1-3.
4. When the ball is clearly in flight. 4-41-1.
5. The same as a try. When it’s successful, not successful, touches the floor or becomes dead. 4-41-4.
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