1. A- 1 receives the ball in the lane for 1 second and dribbles in and scores a goal. The total time for this action was “4” seconds. The lead official “no calls” the play? T-F.
2. The 10 second count starts in the backcourt when a player touches the ball? T-F.
3. The ball, for a backcourt violation, is always taken out of bounds at the division line? T-F.
4. In the frontcourt, a closely guarded count shall be terminated during an interrupted dribble? T-F.
5. A-1 attempts a try that is unsuccessful, the ball is going towards the side line and A-3 gains possession of the ball and throws it over their head out side of the “3” point line and the ball goes in the basket. The center official scores “2” points for Team A since it was not a try? T-F.
1. True- 9-7-3.
2. False- 9-8.
3. False- 9-9- Penalty.
4. True- 9-10-3.
5. False- Case Book- 5.2.1 Situation B.
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