1. A-1 is shooting his/her last free throw. B-1 violates along the lane, A-1’s try is unsuccessful. A-1 shall receive a substitute free throw? T-F.
2. Can a player wear a medical alert bracelet if it’s taped? Yes or No.
3. A-2 is shooting their second free throw. When the ball is in flight, A-3 “flagrantly slams” B-3 to the floor. The center official rules a flagrant technical foul on A-3? T-F.
4. Same scenario as in question 3, the center official rules a flagrant personal foul. T-F.
5. A-1 the thrower-in throws the ball onto the floor and A-1 is the first one to touch the throw-in. This is ruled as a throw-in violation and the game clock should have not been started?
1. True- 9-1- Penalty-2-b.
2. Yes- 3-5-7.
3. False- 4-19-4.
4. True- 4-19-4.
5. True- 9-2-6, 5-9-4.
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