1. With 0:00.3 left in the 4th quarter. The score is Team A-60-Team B-60. Team A has a throw-in and A-1 throws the ball to A-3 who catches the ball, turns to try for goal and is fouled by B-3 as the horn sounds. Team A is in the single bonus. A-3 will shoot a one and one with no players lined up? T-F.
2. The Lead official rules a double foul on A-3 and B-3. It’s the fifth foul on each player. The crowd reacts in a negative manner and throws cups onto the floor. The officiating crew requests that game management control the spectators. Game Management cannot get the spectators under control. The officiating crew suspends the game. T-F.
3. Team A is leading 62-58 in the 4th quarter. A-1 is fouled by B-1. A-1 is shooting a “15” foot jump shot and is successful. When the foul occurs, the game clock is stopped with 0:00 showing, but no end of period signal {horn or light} has indicated. the officiating crew deems the game is over? yes or No.
4. A-1 is shooting an intentional personal foul. On A-1’s second free throw, A-1 violates. Team A will receive the ball at the spot of the intentional personal foul? T-F.
5. A-1 is shooting their second free throw. B-1 violates along the lane. A-1’s free throw is successful. B-1’s violation is disregarded? T-F.
1. True- 5.2.5 Situation C Case Book.
2. True- 5.4.1 Situation B Case Book.
3. No- 5.6 Situation Case Book.
4. True- 9-1-Penalty-c
5. True- 9-1-Penalty-2-a
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