Quiz #106

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1. A-1 is dribbling the ball in the front court. A-2 and B-2 are charged with double personal fouls. Where is the ball put into play?

2. A-2 the thrower-in leaps into the air and breaks the plane of the boundary line. A-2’s foot is above the designated throw-in spot but not in contact with the court. A-2 releases the ball to A-5 who is on the court. The trail official rules this a throw-in violation? T-F.

3. Team A has the A.P. Arrow when the ball is mistakenly awarded to Team B. B-1 the thrower-in throws the ball to B-2 who is fouled and Team B is in the bonus. The official realizes that the A.P. Arrow should have gone to Team A. The official cancels the foul and gives the ball back to Team A? T-F

4. A-1 is shooting their second free throw. The ball is in flight and B-3 and A-3 commit a double foul. The try is successful. Team B is entitled to run the end line? T-F.

5. B-2 dribbles the ball off of A-4’s foot. B-2 recovers the ball and starts a new dribble. The trail official rules a double dribble? T-F.


1. At the point of interruption nearest where the ball was located. 4-36-1.
2. False- 4-42-6-Note.
3. False- 7-6-6.
4. True-4-36-1.
5. False- 4-15-4-d

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About Paul Behr

A former high school basketball coach and a former ABA basketball official. An IAABO-certified basketball official for 43 years and an IAABO Life Member. Currently an active high school basketball official in South Carolina. Interpreter of IAABO Board 403 in South Carolina.

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