1. Undershirts shall be a single solid color similar to the torso of the jersey and shall be hemmed and not have frayed or ragged edges. T-F
2. Undershirts shall not have sleeves. T-F
3. No visible logos are permitted on undershirts. T-F
4. A5 is shooting in front of Team B’s bench, the assistant coach of Team B, gets up off the bench and charges A5, but does not cross the side line. A5’s try is unsuccessful. The Trail Official issues a bench warning to Team B. T-F
5. If a technical foul is ruled against an Assistant coach, it is also charged indirectly to the Head Coach. T-F
6. In question 5, the penalty is “2” free throws and the ball at the division line away from the scoring table, only one team foul is charged. T-F