Quiz #395 (2024)

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1. Undershirts shall be a single solid color similar to the torso of the jersey and shall be hemmed and not have frayed or ragged edges. T-F

2. Undershirts shall not have sleeves. T-F

3. No visible logos are permitted on undershirts. T-F

4. A5 is shooting in front of Team B’s bench, the assistant coach of Team B, gets up off the bench and charges A5, but does not cross the side line. A5’s try is unsuccessful. The Trail Official issues a bench warning to Team B. T-F

5. If a technical foul is ruled against an Assistant  coach, it is also charged indirectly to the Head Coach. T-F

6. In question 5, the penalty is “2” free throws and the ball at the division line away from the scoring table, only one team foul is charged. T-F

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Play of the Day 434 (2023-24)

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The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.

With 15 seconds left in the 4th quarter Team A scores and is trailing Team B by two points.  Team A has no timeouts left.  Team B leaves the ball on the floor and makes no attempt to pick it up.

Handle the situation.

Play of the Day 433 (2023-24)

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The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.

A-1 drives to the basket for a breakaway layup.  A-5 follows the play, jumps and, after the ball has passed through the net, grabs the ring.  There is no safety issue involved.

Handle the situation.

Quiz #387 (2024)

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1. Before the contest both coaches verify that their teams are legally equipped. In the third quarter A1 is discovered wearing a ring. Is there any penalty against A1 or the Head Coach. Yes-No

2. Players occupying marked free throw lane lines may not enter the free throw semicircle until the ball touches the ring or until the free throw ends. T-F

3. Team B requests a time out as the teams position for the jump ball to start the game. The Referee denies the time out. T-F

4. A1’s throw-in goes directly out of bounds without being touched. The Lead Official awards the ball to Team B where the ball went out of bounds. T-F

5. A1 is dribbling on the perimeter. B1 has continuous hands on A1. The trail official rules a handchecking foul on B1. T-F

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Play of the Day 432 (2023-24)

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The play described below is provided for your review and discussion. The rulings given are based on NFHS rules. NCAA rulings may be different.

A-1 is dribbling near the sideline and loses his balance.  As A-1 is falling out of bounds, A-1 attempts to pass the ball to a teammate.  The ball hits the floor and is loose.  A-1 jumps back inbounds and is the first to touch the ball.

Handle the situation.