Quiz # 8

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1. If by mistake the officiating crew permits a team to go in the wrong direction, when discovered, all points scored, fouls committed, and time consumed shall count as if each team had gone in the proper direction? T-F.

2. A cast can be worn on the elbow if its protected with soft padding? T-F.

3. A continuous motion foul can only occur when there is a personal or technical foul by the defense? T-F.

4. A-1’s try is released, team control has ended? T-F.

5. A-1 taunts B-1 during a live ball or dead ball scenario. Handle the Situation?
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Quiz # 7

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1. A-1 attempts a “3” point try and is intentionally fouled by B-1. The try is unsuccessful. Handle the Situation?
2. A-1 attempts a “3” point try and is intentionally fouled by B-1. The try is successful. Handle the Situation?
3. An intentional foul shall be charged when the contact is judged to be excessive? T-F.
4. A-1 has a designated spot throw-in in their back court. A-3 is cutting to receive the throw-in pass and B-3 holds A-3’s jersey as he/she is cutting to get open. The trail official rules an intentional personal foul on B-3? T-F.
5. Officials must determine if a foul is intentional by judging the fouling act itself, not whether or not the Head Coach instructed the player to perform the act? T-F.
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Quiz # 6

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1. When the lead official bounces the ball to the free thrower, the ball is at the disposal of the free thrower? T-F.

2. When the trail official bounces the ball to the thrower-in, the ball is at the disposal of the thrower-in? T-F.

3. A player is disqualified when he/she commits a technical foul for grasping the ring and a technical foul for delay of game? T-F.

4. A flagrant foul can be a personal or technical foul? T-F.

5. A-1 is dribbling the ball and B-1 knocks the ball away from A-1. Team B is in the bonus. As the ball is loose, A-1 holds B-1. The trail official rules on the foul and allows B-1 to shoot the bonus? T-F.

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Quiz # 5

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1. In facilities without a red light behind or an LED light on each backboard, the audible timer’s signal shall indicate that time has expired? T-F. 
2. The facility has functioning LED lights on each backboard. A-1 starts his/her try for goal and the ball is in his/her hand{s} when the LED light is activated. The ball is out of A-1’s hand{s} when the horn sounds. The center official cancels the goal? T-F. 
3. The torso color of the game jersey shall be light for the home team and a contrasting dark color for the visiting team? T-F. 
4. The torso color of the game jersey shall be white for the home team and a contrasting dark color for the visiting team? T-F. 
5. An airborne shooter is in the act of shooting until both feet return to the floor? T-F. 


1. True-1-14.
2. True-5-6-2 – Case Book.
3. False- 3-4-1c.
4. True-3-4-1c.
5. False-4-1.

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Quiz # 4

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1. A-1 scores on a lay-up. After the ball passes through the basket, A-1 slaps the backboard. You make the call? 
2. A-1 attempts a lay-up, B-1 slaps the backboard while the ball is in the cylinder. You make the call? 
3. Thrower-In A-1 throws the ball to in bounds A-2. When does the 10 second count start? 
4. Thrower-In A-1 throws the ball to in bounds A-2. When does the game clock start? 
5. A-1 attempts a “bank” shot that bounces off the ring. B-1 touches the rebound. When does the 10 second count start? 


1. Basket counts for A-1. Rule a technical foul on A-1 for unsporting conduct. Team B will receive 2 free throws and the ball at the division line away from the table. 10-3-6c.
2. No basket if the ball does not go in the basket. If the ball goes in the basket, count the basket. In both cases, it is a technical foul on B-1 for slapping the backboard if it is intentionally slapped. 10-3-4b.
3. When A-2 gains control of the basketball. 9-8.
4. When a player legally touches the ball on the court. 5-9-4.
5. When a player gains control of the ball. 9-8.

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