Quiz # 13

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1. A-1 is dribbling the ball and B-1 knocks the ball away from A-1. As the ball is “loose”, A-1 holds B-1. Team B is in the bonus. Team B will receive the ball at the spot of the foul. This is a team control foul? T-F.

2. A double foul can be either a personal or technical foul? T-F.

3. A-1 is fouled by B-1 on a lay-up. A-1 then pushes B-1. This is a false double foul? T-F.

4. A-1 is fouled by B-1 on a lay-up. B-3 then pushes A-1. This is a false multiple foul? T-F.

5. An unsporting foul is a non-contact technical foul? T-F.

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Quiz # 12

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1. You may have a personal foul when the ball is dead. An example is when the airborne shooter releases the ball and the ball goes through the basket and then the airborne shooter charges into his/her opponent? T-F.

2. Contact when the ball is dead is one of the following:
a. Incidental.
b. Intentional.
c. Flagrant.
d. By the airborne shooter.
e. All of the Above.

3. A common foul is a personal foul? T-F.

4. A common foul can be an intentional foul? T-F.

5. A common foul can be a flagrant foul? T-F.

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Quiz # 11

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1. A-1 commits flagrant contact on B-1 during a dead ball.  Team B will shoot two free throws and receive the ball at the division line away from the table? T-F.

2. A-1 commits flagrant contact on B-1 during a live ball. B-1 will shoot two free throws and receive the ball at the spot of the foul? T-F.

3. Penalties for fouls are administered in the order in which the fouls occurred? T-F.

4. The back court consists of the division line? T-F

5. A player is disqualified if he/she commits two technical fouls? T-F.

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Quiz # 10

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1. The length of each extra period is “5” minutes? T-F.

2. Fighting can occur when the ball is dead or alive? T-F.

3. The ball becomes dead on a player control foul? T-F.

4. The ball becomes dead immediately on a free throw violation by the free throwing team? T-F.

5. The ball becomes delayed dead on a free throw violation by the opponent[s] of the free throwing team ? T-F.

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Quiz # 9

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1. Team A requests a time out; at the end of the time out as the teams are returning to the courts, A-1 curses at the game officials. Handle the Situation?

2. The third quarter ends; as the teams are going to their bench areas, A-1 and B-1 taunt one another. Handle the Situation?

3. Neither the dribble nor traveling rule operates during the jump ball, throw-in or free throw? T-F.

4. A closely guarded count shall be terminated when A-1 the dribbler gets his/her head and shoulders past B-1 who is the defender? T-F.

5. Continuous motion applies to a try, tap or free throw? T-F.

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