Quiz # 41

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1. A team is not in control when  a try is in flight? T-F.

2. A-1 ends his/her dribble with both feet off the playing court and lands simultaneously on both feet. A-1 then steps with her left foot while using the right foot as the pivot foot. Is this legal? Yes or No.

3. Thrower-In A-1 throws the ball in and B-1 bats the ball to A-1 who catches the ball out of bounds. The trail official rules the ball out of bounds on A-1? T-F.

4. Thrower-In A-1 throws the ball in and B-1 bats the ball off of A-1’s shoulder who is out of bounds. The trail official rules the ball out of bounds on A-1?  T-F.

5. Thrower-In A-1 throws the ball in and B-1 bats the ball on the floor out of bounds and the ball hits A-1 who is out of bounds. The trail official rules the ball out of bounds on B-1? T-F.

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Quiz # 40

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1. On a free throw only the opponent can disconcert? T-F.

2. Disconcertion can only be committed by opponents of the free thrower who are playing in the game at the time of the infraction. T-F.

3. The team that requests a time out may shorten the time out when the captain/head coach notifies the official of the team’s intent? T-F.

4. The signal ends the 4th quarter. The score is Team A-62 and Team B-60. The head coach of Team A sprints towards the officiating crew and “yells” obscenities. Handle the Situation?

5. A team is not in control when a pass is in flight? T-F.

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Quiz # 39

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1. A-1 attempts a try and the ball is in flight when A-2 and B-3 commit personal fouls against one another at the same time. The ball goes in the basket. What type of foul has occurred?

2. In question # 6, does the basket count? Yes or No

3. In question # 6, how is play resumed?

4. The lead official rules a foul on A-5 for “backing” down B-5. At the same time, the center official rules B-4 for “bumping” A-4 on a cut towards the basket. Handle the Situation?

5. How does a dribble start?

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Quiz # 38

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1. A-1 tries for goal, the ball is in flight and the 2nd quarter expires. B-1 touches the ball on its upward flight and the ball goes in the basket. Does the basket count? Yes or No.

2. When a technical foul is called, what player{s} attempts the free throws?

3. When a technical foul is called, who designates the free throw shooter{s}.

4. When a technical foul is called, can A-1 shoot the first free throw and A-2 the second free throw? Yes or No.

5. A dribble ends when the dribbler loses player control? T-F.

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Quiz # 37

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1. The expiration of time for a quarter or extra period does not always cause the ball to become dead? T-F.

2. Any player, other than the free thrower, who does not occupy a marked lane space must be behind the free throw line extended and behind the “3” point line? T-F.

3. For Basket-Interference and Goal-Tending, the Center and Trail officials will be responsible for the flight of the ball on a try or tap? T-F.

4. Who shoots a free throw that is entitled to the offended player who is injured and there are no substitutes?

5. In question 4, who would designate the shooter?

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